Village Board Meeting

Event Date: 
Monday, July 11, 2022 - 7:00pm


July 11, 2022 7:00 p.m. 

130 N. Chestnut St. Lower Level Boardroom (East Rear Entrance)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 2086 3433
Passcode: 435731

Updated Agenda

  1. Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
10-minute discussion limit on all agenda and non-agenda items per Roberts Rules of Order, the Village Board may suspend this rule if deemed necessary, no board action may be taken on non-agenda items

  1. Approval of minutes – 06/06, 06/13, 06/14, 06/20, 06/29
  2. Approve payments and deposits
  3. Public comment on non-agenda items  
  4. Comprehensive Plan Update
  5. Approve appointment of Laurie Neely to fill vacant trustee seat
  6. Accept resignation of Donna Swenson from CDA Committee
  7. Approve updated committee appointments
  8. Accept resignation of Donna Swenson and Diane Hardin as Chief Election Inspectors
  9. Approve Administrator Clerk-Treasurer Job Description
  10. Approve Street Use Permit for Ellsworth Fire Association Parade. August 14, 10am-3pm
  11. Approve payment of Ayres & Associates invoice for Site Assessment Grant
  12. Approve payment of Market & Johnson invoice of $207,284.78
  13. Approve Quality Flow replacing and installing a Lift station pump for $16,780
  14. Approve Fireworks Permit for Pierce County Fair on 08/11/2022 at dusk
  15. Committee/Commission meeting reports/recommendations:
  16. Plan Commission

- Review July 11 meeting minutes

- Review and possible action on the Certified Survey Map submitted by Tom Arndt, on the following property:

336 Golf Course Road, Ellsworth, WI 54011

Parcel ID: 121-01153-0700, LOT 7 EATONS ADD

Parcel Id: 121-01153-0800, LOT 8 EATONS ADD

Located in part of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 7, Township 26 North,

Range 17 West, Village of Ellsworth, Pierce County, Wisconsin. And being all of Lot 7 & Lot 8 of the plat of Eaton’s Addition in the Village of Ellsworth.

  1. Board of Appeals
  2. ETZ
  3. Water and Sewer
  4. Street & Sidewalk 
  5. Salary and Labor

- Review June 22 meeting minutes

  1. Parks, Recreation, & Development
  2. Finance, Purchasing, Buildings
  3. Public Safety
  4. Health, License, Welfare
  5. Solid Waste, Cable TV, Special Committee
  6. Cemetery 
  7. Community Development Authority


  1. Department Head Reports: Department activity/update
  1. Chief of Police
  2. Director of Public Works
  3. Clerk Treasurer Office
  4. Library Director


  1. Closed Session:  The Village Board will adjourn to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(g) conferring with counsel. Conferring with legal counsel who either orally or in writing will advise governmental body on strategy to be adopted with respect to current or likely litigation. The legal consultation will be regarding previous Administrator Clerk-Treasurer.

Meeting will reconvene into open session to take or announce action, if any and if appropriate, and to consider other agenda items.

  1. Adjournment                                                                                                   


Respectfully submitted by Julie Borner, Temporary Clerk-Treasurer
Posted at the Village Hall, Village Website, and the Ellsworth Public Library
Emailed to The Pierce County Journal